About Us

A party for better transit.

Our goal is to bring transit and better city planning policies to Carmel!

The PAC's been at it since 2022!

The Carmel Transportation Party (CTP) is a political action committee dedicated to pushing for public transportation in Carmel, better city planning practices, and creating a walkable city accessible for everyone! 

These changes need to happen if Carmel wants to become a staple community in the future. Not only this but in order to stay competitive in the regional market, we will have to provide a robust transit system to keep our workforce.

To most people in Carmel, public transportation is some far off concept that is seldom talked about. Here at the CTP we are trying to bring it back with three major discussions. These are not all about transit, but they are important to forward our goals.

Data based transit planning

Yes, we believe that everyone should have access to public transportation, but that doesn’t mean our plans will be based off of whatever we feel like. Planning transit routes based off of predicted demand will make sure that these routes are effective in maintaining high ridership.  

Quality city planning (Zoning reform)

Carmel has similar issues to many cities across the US, restrictive zoning codes. Most of the discrepancy between Carmel’s single family neighborhoods and tall buildings is due to how restrictive the zoning code is. Hopefully changing to a more hierarchical system of zoning regulation will boost business and provide growth at a more natural pace. 

A connected pedestrian and bicycle network

Having public transportation means that getting around by foot becomes top priority in our city. Yes, the Monon boulevard is a good example of safe pedestrian infrastructure. This type of safety should be expanded further than where it is now. The key to a good network is that safety is consistent.